Tuesday, January 22, 2013

GMO articles and information

Links to GMO articles and information:

Autumn helping make pancakes with organic, non-gmo ingredients
There is very little real food left in this world it seems, it is worth it to educate yourself about GMO's and learn how to find the food amongst all the food-like products that clutter the grocery store shelves! here are a couple of links to websites that can help!

1. The Non-GMO Project

 Non-GMO project in Canada!

Product Verification - North America’s Only Independent Verification of Non-GMO Products

The retailers who started the Non-GMO Project were motivated by a simple idea: they believed that consumers in North America should have access to clearly-labeled non-GMO food and products, now and in the future. That conviction continues to be the guiding force behind the Non-GMO Project, which offers North America’s only independent verification for products made according to best practices for GMO avoidance.

This website is full of great information and resources....
  • GMO facts
  • Lists of  Non-GMO verified products and restaurants
  • resources and information 
  • how to take action now

2. Top Seven Genetically Modified Crops


Jan 22 2013

By The Hive
Most of the government-approved, made in the U.S.A. food we eat is poisoned. That may sound like a pitch for a sci-fi novel, but unless a growing body of research is all wrong, a tainted food supply is the reality here in America. Take genetically modified foods, for example, which are linked to a long list of health problems, from food allergies and cell damage in humans, to tumors, liver problemssterility and high infant mortality rates in rats.

read the list here: http://www.honeycolony.com/article/top-seven-genetically-modified-crops/

3. GMO Inside.org


Because we have the right to know what’s in our food!

Large agribusiness and chemical companies oppose our right to know when foods have GMOs. These are the same companies that put GMOs out on the market without adequate testing – turning us all into lab rats in a giant science experiment.
GMO Inside is a campaign dedicated to helping all Americans know which foods have GMOs inside, and the non-GMO verified and organic certified alternatives to genetically engineered foods. We believe that everyone has a right to know what’s in their food and to choose foods that are proven safe for themselves, their families, and the environment.
GMO Inside gives people information and tools, and provides a place for a growing community of people from all walks of life, to share information and actions around genetically engineered foods. Join the campaign at www.gmoinside.org, and take part in the GMO Inside community on Facebook and Twitter.
If you are represent an organization or a business that supports a healthy food system that is non-GMO and good for people and the planet, please join the GMO Inside coalition. We welcome you to post your news and information on our Facebook page, would love to get all of your events and programs on our calendar and interview you for our featured partner section of our website!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Oven Roasted Herbed Vegetables and Roast Cabbage

We had a great vegetarian dinner tonight! Made with fresh vegetables from the farmers market and our favourite organic stores, the house smelled incredible while this was cooking. My whole crew really enjoyed this one.

dish one-  Oven Roasted Herbed Vegetables.  cut in to cubes - potato, carrot, parsnip, onion, red pepper. Toss with favourite mixed herbs, 2 TBSP nutritional yeast and olive oil, put into a casserole dish and sprinkle with sea salt and a goo amount of parmesan cheese bake uncovered for 1 hr at 425 F (or until potatoes are soft) If you wish this to be a Vegan dish omit the parmesan or replace it with a vegan substitute.

dish two - Oven Roasted Cabbage: cut cabbage into wedges, remove core, drizzle with olive oil or spray with an olive oil spray. sprinkle with caraway seed and sea salt. roast at 425 F uncovered for a 1/2 hour, then put the cover on and roast for another 20 min - 1/2 hour. (cook time will vary depending on the size of your cabbage wedges)

serve with your favourite salad !
