I had been meaning to do some research on eating Raw foods and what the perceived benefits and negatives were associated with it, when I came across
this video "Ageless Woman". WOW. I am now seriously interested in researching this eating lifestyle.
It seems there are some that take this to nearly religious, nearly fanatical levels in their lifes and others (thankfully) who are, or seem to be well informed about where they are getting all their nutrition from, what the pitfalls of this type of eating has, and are willing to share. There are a plethora of websites and videos on Youtube about this diet.
One of the people that I found interesting AND informative (besides raw food advocate Annette Larkins from the video above) was a man named
Markus Rothkranz . Annette wowed me, especially when they interviewed her husband! Her story is jaw-dropping and inspiring. Markus made a raw diet actually seem real, not just chowing down on a veggie tray; but delicious sounding recipes and real advice about what people who choose to follow this way of eating need to consider.
I find it all very interesting; before these two videos I dismissed the whole notion, I thought it would be imossible to meet nutritional needs based soley on raw foods. I am not sure I am convinced yet that this would be a diet for me or my family, but I am convinced that more raw foods need to me INCLUDED in our healthy diets.
Learning about raw foods has me question, why DO we cooked so much of our foods, especially the vegetables that taste better raw! How can we incorporate more natural ways of eating into our diets? Well Raw eating certainly is one way to accomplish that!
We are continuing to learn, and then Mykel and I might even do the " go raw for 30 days" experiment, to see how we feel and to understand it. I plan to collect a plethora of raw food recipes between now and then to make sure we are both meeting our nutritional needs and that we aren't jsut living on carrot sticks!
In the meantime, I have already becan to incorporate more raw foods into my menu planning. More of the space on my family's plates will be filled with nutrious, health benefiting raw foods. Even if that is all anyone ever changed in how they ate, I can't imagine they wouldn't see immense health benefits from it!